The foundation of our culture our history and our values. We believe that we should always conduct ourselves and our business openly, honestly and in compliance with all applicable laws.Our reputation is built on the actions of our people and this is why what you do everyday is so important. We believe that our success should be based on a common vision of shared values and a consistent standard of conduct. In other words, all of us have a responsibility to uphold our reputation and our values.This Code of Conduct and Business Ethics (the “Code“) provides the general principles on the way we should conduct ourselves and our business, how we should serve our customers and how we should work with our suppliers. They are not meant to be exhaustive and cover every possible issue that may arise but instead, you should treat them as guiding principles to help you make the right decision in any situation you may face. You should read and understand what these principles mean and apply them everyday.
We must work with suppliers to cultivate safe working conditions, to foster dignity and respect for workers, and to promote responsible environmental practices. Our Supplier Code of Conduct and accompanying Standards detail the principles and practices that we expect our suppliers to uphold and cover: Demonstrating responsibility, transparency, and accountability in compliance with the Supplier Code of Conduct. We must always use our best effort to promptly fulfil customer needs with good quality goods and services that meet high standards of safety and reliability and at prices that represent excellent value for money.